January 2025 bakery

I've become persuaded by the idea that we are the product on most social media apps. The thoughts and links that I would have shared on these hellsites, I now aggregate in a monthly post I call the "Bakery."
Half baked
Some written thoughts, but not enough for their own post.

I'm not sure what the running plan is this year. I do know that I want to run a lot. I'm trying to find the right balance between volume and intensity that will keep me from burning out or getting injured. I suspect that this month I went a too hard on weight lifting. I think cutting back on the intensity there will give me more bandwidth for speed work and allow me to pick up my average pace a bit, which in turn should improve my running enjoyment.
Naked links.
A king nerd setting the Gloomhaven digital +2 difficulty speed run record. This is incredible.
Predictions on what kind of work will be important as AI advances.

Lots of in depth LLM news.
Well said, Lucas!
A great rundown of the state of AI in 2025.

Ben and Adam have what a lot of us want - they founded their own very successful tech companies (Tailwind CSS and Tuple). What's kind of insane about this episode is how they both discuss how while they were founding and building their now successful companies, they thought that they'd be happy once they had financial freedom. However, now that they have financial freedom built on their own creativity and entrepreneurialism, they are still not happy (for various reasons). What's worse is that they no longer have hope that one day they'll be happy. I'm sort of overstating, but the big theme here is when a person thinks "when I get X, I'll be happy" and then they get X, but realize that they now need X+1 or Y to be happy. But at a certain point, one just realizes that achievements will not bring sustained happiness. I wish these guys got on the horn more often.
As a connoisseur of rare and exotic Harry Hoods, I can say this one is good.
Member discussion