July 2024 Bakery

Half baked
Some written thoughts, but not enough for their own post
This month I took a family vacation to Maine. It was just the four of us. We realized a bit of serendipity surrounding this trip. The last time either of us were in Maine was ten years ago for our honeymoon. On our ten year anniversary we returned to Maine and met with some of our closest friends. Both of these dear friends moved to Maine independently of each other and signed our Ketubah (wedding contract) ten years ago.
I am proud that we could take this vacation. It is something my kids will remember.
Quarter baked
A sentence or two and a piece of content.

This is a long read, but it rewards attention. It goes into sufficient technical depth to feel like a rigorous explanation, but also does some "and they do calculus on it" style hand waving to maintain accessibility.
Naked links.
So good.
.@phish in an elevator! #FallonTonight pic.twitter.com/b5pHkk9RKo
— The Tonight Show (@FallonTonight) July 12, 2024
Love this.
The boys crushed it.
I have a low key crush on the Stripe Internal Docs team
A man clearly driven mad through deep study.

Write and self host your book.

A nice post for reference.
Member discussion